Sunday, December 4, 2011

Live the Life You Love With JCov!

We all have a destiny we fill pulled to fulfill. We all have a mission that springs us into action. For me it’s motivating people and encouraging them to walk in their purpose. I truly believe we can create the lives we want to live if we are just willing to Believe we can. I am reminded of that as I sit on my balcony in front of the Pacific Ocean with the crashing of the waves as the soundtrack of the evening. I NEVER though in a million years I would leave on the beach. I didn’t see how it would be possible. Still, I put it on my vision board as a challenge, as if it say, “I can have ANYthing I want? Let’s see if you can pull THIS off!”. Less than a year later there I was on the beach.For a LONG time after that I didn’t even HAVE a vision board up, which was So unheard of for me. I felt with contentment no longer came the need for one. However, what was really happening was that I was scared to dream a bigger dream.

Anytime we visualize something for ourselves and it comes to manifest, it’s our jobs to dream a bigger dream! One aspect of my dream is to be involved in youth programming. I have no formal experience working with youth, but yet I feel strongly compelled to do this work. When I was in LA, I prayed and prayed about having the opportunity to realize such a dream. God put all the people and circumstances right into order and I, with a team of great people, was able to hold a workshop for girls that was absolutely magical! It was the start of something beautiful right?

Wrong. I was SO terrified by the success, by the possibility, I never did anything else! Sure I planned things out in my head, wrote them down and maybe even half heartedly pursued some things, but I was operating out of fear, and so the magic from before didn’t happen again. When this happens that is usually the Ego getting in the way. The Ego asks, “how are you going to top that?”, “what else you got?”, “Sure you can do this one, but if this is successful you’ll have years of material to come up with, where is that going to come from?”. Well a Spiritually grounded person knows Exactly where it comes from; The Unlimited Source of Love and Knowledge of course, God. To not trust yourself is to not trust the God in you, it’s to ignore that fact that you are an important necessary component in the Universal web we are all intertwined in. To think it’s about ‘you’ is all wrong, it’s about serving a higher purpose. Why is that so hard to remember some days and why is it so hard to act on even when we know better?

Well this year, like every year J I’m acting out. Going for it. Living out loud and I encourage you to do the same. That was the point of this blog to begin with. To encourage people to live out their dreams by writing anecdotal stories, testimonies and theories that push you closer to living the life that you love. This blog is meant to be a meeting of the minds and a community. It’s supposed to be fun and at the same time informative. I have shied away from writing as an effort to not “be seen” which is ridiculous because I’m here to

serve a higher purpose to which I am being called to. I hope that I can be a living example of the fact that you can create the life you love and continue to dream bigger dreams.

Like I said before, when I whittled down to what my dream life would look like, it was living on the beach and working with kids. I’m doing that now and I’m loving it. I’m learning so much and the necessary situations and circumstances are happening around me and teaching me so that I will be ready to take the next step when I am ready to expand even more.

This month, even though it feels scary to me, I am continuing to pray and meditate and ask the Universe where do I go next? What are we going to Co-Create together? What will the next year look like for me? It’s Vision Board making time!!


Deia@LoveInTangles said...

I think you have a beautiful life. No need to rush the typical marriage and kids stuff. Im still trying to figure out where my life is gonna lead me. I started blogging (which was pretty awkward for me to do) bc I moved but also to do something different in hopes to open my eyes and mind to different and new things period. I have the marriage and kids thing...but what next? I guess we're all searching for purpose somewhere. When I FINALLY figure out what's next, you best believe I'll be doing it out loud! And it won't be engineering. Bleh to that.

Kinda weird but I still don't want to "be seen" which is why I don't post my blog thru fb. Whack....I know.

a.eye said...

I totally need a vision board. Right now my life is just a great big ball of a confusion board instead.

Sunshine Builder Freedom Dancer said...

It's the New Year!! Let's make Vision Boards and share them with each other!! What do you think? :) I know I'm going to be making one soon and will definitely post a picture of it. Happy 2012!

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