Wednesday, August 31, 2011

20 Tips for Optimal Health...

according to Naturopathic Physician DR. SANDRA OLIC (and I whole heartedly agree)

1. Eat as close to nature as possible, focusing mostly on organic plant based foods, but not too much.

2. Drink 8 glasses of pure water daily.

3. Sleep 7-8 hours every night.

4. Take a good quality multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.

5. Move your body regularly and practice yoga.

6. Breathe. Meditate. Calm your mind.

7. Be present. Let go of the past and don’t worry about the future.

8. When you have a negative thought, replace it with a positive one. Optimism is healing and pessimism will make you sick.

9. Practice gratitude. What you focus on grows.

10. Do what you love as often as you can. Travel, dance, write, paint, play music.

11. Surround yourself with awesome people and spend more time with those you love. Love is the best medicine.

12. Express your love.

13. Express yourself.

14. Let go of anger, regret, guilt or any other emotion that isn’t serving you. These lead to diseases of the mind and body.

15. Help others, especially when you are down. This will uplift you too.

16. Live a non-toxic lifestyle. This includes avoiding unnecessary drugs and chemicals, as well as people, relationships and jobs that bring you down. Your time is valuable; don’t waste it on anyone or anything that doesn’t deserve it.

17. Spend time in nature.

18. Leave your to-do list undone, re-charge, take vacations and don’t work too much. In the end, no one says they wish they had spent more time at the office.

19. Create goals so you know where you’re going and have things to look forward to, but be open to detours.

20. And believe in yourself.

I love it!


Deia@LoveInTangles said...

I love this list! Do you yoga? Bikram is not for the weak. I plan to yoga every Saturday, maybe starting this weekend. Oh, and YUCK to the first one! :-)

Sunshine Builder Freedom Dancer said...

Ha ha, I know us Midwest people do not like #1, but I know when I adhere to it I feel better. I do practice yoga but just by myself, no classes here. Good luck with your Saturday class that sounds fun!

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