Remember Get In Shape Girl? LOVED IT! How could I not with it being he original source of my love for leg warmers and side ponytails! My favorite was the Gymnast one with the Lyrical Gymnast Ribbon. Do kids even have toys that encourage them to move around and feel good? I know I'm always singing the Get In Shape Girl song when I'm doing my push-ups. Thank you GISG for being my inspiration 3 decades later!!!
I have been asked by a few people to post my Wellness Program so here it is. The latest and greatest!
This is the Newest Wellness Program I am doing.
5:00am - Prayer/Devotion/Meditation/
6:30 am- Official Rise & Shine
7:00-7:30 am - Cardio (ex. jog, jump rope, swim)
7:30-8:15 am - Mini Workout/Challenge (I have monthly challenges I give myself, example below)
8:15-9:00 am - Yoga
See? It's simple and eliminates the whole "I have no time" excuse. With this program I was hoping to be able to do it at LEAST 3x a week if not everyday because it's short and simple and I get it out of the way early! I am trying to create a habit more than get any dramatic results.
**After some weeks of doing this, I only sometimes wake up at 5:00 am. To make sure I get my Me time, I will either push the schedule back, or take do it in the evenings. The reason why 6:30 is the official Rise & Shine is because I knew I wouldn't be getting up at 5:00 everyday.
**The Challenges are little things I want to work on to keep myself motivated and not get bored. Like this month my Challenge was to do 100 push-ups and 500 sit ups. I was doing a good job for 2 weeks, then I went on vacation so I need to get back on it. I might need to create a new Challenge for every week or every 2 weeks, because I get SO bored SO easily.
Other future challenges I anticipate is Cardio Crunch (more so basically all cardio for the whole hour), Yoga Challenge (lots and lots of Yoga), Weights (the thing that bores me the most!). The Mini workouts are little things I have written down that are several reps of things like jumping jacks, leg lifts & lunges. I'll take a picture of my spiral and post that one of these days.
** My Yoga sessions are NOT lasting 45 minutes. I need more sequences. I love my sun salutation and I have a few sequences that I add on, but I really end up doing Yoga for about 25 minutes. Anyone have tips on where to get some good Yoga Sequences?
Now I'm intrigued at what other people's fitness programs are. Share if you feel so obliged!
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