Saturday, August 20, 2011

Food & The Fitness Equation

So I've been getting my workout on a bit, but I realize that there is a Food & Fitness Equation to consider. You know you have to have more output than input to get fit. One day I was thinking, alright then I need to create a super diet plan that will go with my fitness plan! Yeah...let me tell you a little something about me. I LOVE Food. I love to eat, snack, prepare, go out and eat...all of it. I don't like to restrict when it comes to mi comida!

Moreover, I am a recovering junk food junky, so vegetables, real food that isn't fast food is kind of new to me. Really in the past year, maybe even the past 6 months I have learned how to cook. When I started trying to think of a restricted diet I felt limited in what I can cook; it took the fun out of it. So moving forward I am going to be tranquilo about my eating. I know that the ice cream sandwich I had before bed is not something I should make a habit (and I PROMISE that was the first time I've done that!) and I do figure that making my own food is a healthier option, but most of all what is clear to me is that if I want to get FIT it's going to have to be ALL about activities, movement and burn, burn, burn.

What does that mean? It means, even though the men I live near make it a Nightmare to go running, I gotta get up and do it sometimes, it means practicing salsa cause I love it and that's gets me moving, it means searching then splurging on a bike because I feel if I had one I would ride it. I want to find a surf instructor and play with a girls soccer team. There are lots of fun things I can do to get more active and I need to hone in on those because chewin on celery sticks does NOT seem like it's what I'm tryin to do at this juncture in my life!

How do you resolve your Food & Fitness Equation?


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