Monday, May 31, 2010

Daily Affirmations, Love Notes, and Positive Pictures

In the same vein of Vision Boards and creating your positive environment, posting little loving reminders are also great to do.

Affirmations- Use post it notes, sheets of paper leaves the skys the limit. It’s more about where you post them and what you say. Affirmations work best when you can write something opposite of an area you are feeling weak in your life. For exmpale if you are feeling like you are always rushing and never have enough time write “There is more than enough time in the day” (let me pause to write that one for myself Right.Now.) see? Post it in a place that you’ll see it so that you are affirming and re-affirming everyday. To read it as you see it is one thing. But if you say it out loud!? Look out world you will be believing it in no time. Try it for 21 to 30 days and you will be a Believer!

Love Notes- Love notes are like affirmations but they are all about that self love not just the environment around you. So shamelessly write in lip stick, dry erase marker or sticky note on your bathroom mirror “I AM Beautiful”, “ “I Radiate Love”, “I am Peace and Love Personified” Love on yo self and nuthin wrong wit it!!!

Positive Pictures- Just fun because you are envolved in the Creative Process AND Affirming what ever you are drawing, painting etc. I have pictures with definitions of words I would like to embody or sometimes a phrase or an idea that either speaks to me, or I’m working to embrace. Get creative and get positive.

The Universe will Thank You by giving you Exactly what you want.


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