Friday, April 8, 2011


I don't even know where to begin so I suppose I can start in the middle where I feel I am standing now...

This is a blog, and with blogs you're supposed to, well, blog...

My sister was telling me the other day that she has people at her job that won't even read a blog unless the person posts everyday! I was like who has time to read all of that and write all of that. Well apparently people do, so hey why not me.

I don't strive for the goal of posting everyday, but I DO need to keep this blog updates. I have so many thoughts, theories, ideas etc to share and I feel I can only share them when they are super organized and I have hours to sit down and put all my pens in a row and then map out the post and then finally write... No! That's not blogging! I should just get on the computer and have a free flow of consciousness.

The other conflict I've been having (one thing?) is that I am striving to live a simple life and sitting down to a computer everyday seems a little contradictory. The truth is though, I have a computer, I love in a small studio on the beach, I wash my dishes in plastic bins and I'm a volunteer. It may not fit this picture I have of the starving volunteer or what have you, but it's the reality of my current situation.

Speaking of "pictures" the other reason why I'm shying away from my blog is because I don't feel like I have major insights to share. More than that I feel like I'm in a cloudy space right now. I know that I'm an Infinite Being Super Heroine that can do anything and whatever I dream/create will come to pass, but I'm not acting like it. Instead I'm shrinking being fearful of making any decision because I want it to be the wrong one (Impossible!) and who wants to write about that? Well who wants to be exposed like that is what I really should say.

But then I remember the whole point. This forum is to share, this forum is about all of us discovering and living our inner super hero, we all have those insecure moments, those times we actually let fear and ego have a place in our worlds and moments of uncertainty. The point of this is to create a global community to let us all know we are not alone and in fact are One.

So I'm going to start writing, almost online journaling. I have just looking into starting a tumblr page since this blog has pictures that are predated to post through the next year. That's more Tumblr style than Blog. I'm going to keep this one up as I'm more comfortable with this format as well but you will also be able to check me out at

Peace, Love & Blessings!!


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