Monday, November 2, 2009

What is this "Critical Mass" You Speak Of?

There are scientific definitions of what a "critical mass" is and there are metaphysical definitions...

I'm going to try to break it down as simply as I can...(and using my own interpretation from how I understand it...)

What I'm speaking of is a group of people coming together in a like minded way of thinking...

That way being a way of peace, enough, wellness, hope, joy and of course Love.

There is so much evidence that speaks to the fact that when there is a group gathered holding the same way of thinking, the vibration resonates outward and effects those in surrounding areas. For example, if a group is gathered in meditation all holding a space for peace and love, the crime rates in that area and surrounding areas decrease! It's been proven time and time again.

It doesn't even have to be humans! A great example of how a Critical Mass works is the example of the 100th Monkey. I heard this example when listening to a talk by Deepak Chopra and it really stuck with me. I am pretty sure I heard the talk right after reading The Celestine Prophecy (but seriously that is WHOLE 'nother story, and deserves it's own blog post...) Anyway, the 100th monkey is an experiment where scientist made a pretty incredible discovery while studying the behavior of monkeys. They were researching a set of monkeys on two different sides of an island. To observe the animals more easily they threw some fruit onto the beach to make the monkey come out of the trees and the jungle and onto the beach. Well the fruit was then covered in sand and unpleasant for the monkeys to eat. The monkeys would spend time painstakingly picking off the particles of sand and eating the fruit once it was clean.

One day, one monkey decided to wash the fruit in the closest body of water instead of just picking off the sand. This was clearly a much faster method to getting the fruit clean and rid it of all of the sand. Soon, more and more monkeys caught on and mimicked the same action. Soon none of the monkeys were picking the sand off of the banana. Surprised? Maybe not. What the shocking phenomenon is that the scientist were keeping an eye on the monkeys from the other side of the jungle as well. They found that by the time the 100th monkey caught on to washing the fruit in the water, the monkeys on the other side as a group started doing the same thing without even having a chance to observe the monkeys on the other side doing it. The message was sent telepathically if you will. There are hundreds of examples of this very same thing happening all of the time.

The lesson? We are radio towers transmitting information all the time, we just can't see it. When enough of us tune into the same channel we are able to transmit a stronger signal that can reach masses of people.

Right now the media is trying to create a mass of people that believe that we weren't created perfectly the way we are, that money can buy us happiness, that there is not enough food, water, shelter, money to go around for everyone, that xyz disease is out to get us..the list goes on. But you see, if enough people believe these things to be true, it actual can manifest itself and become our reality. We start to see it manifest around us.

We have to come together and realize that is a lie and take control of our own Truth. Start focusing, praying and meditating on those things that you know to be True. We are Perfectly made, there really is no Separation we are all ONE and there is enough of everything we need to go around. In fact, we have everything that we need within our very Beings RIGHT.NOW. Meditate on this thought and let it become your Truth. We owe it to ourselves in each other to get this Critical Mass in Motion!!

Peace and Blessings!


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