Saturday, December 19, 2009

Shock Report Premier

I've been working a lot on my Spiritual Practices. Like, praying, meditating and moving through my daily life as a Spiritually Aware Being. You hear the talks, you get amped up, you feel free and then you go on doing what you've been doing (and getting the same unsatisfactory results). So My focus for 2010 is really to get into a REAL practice. Carve out that time daily to ask the right questions, really stick with my affirmations and always honor my anointment appointment everyday to spend time with the Infinite.

What I've been reading and hearing all over the place is when you really have a Breakthrough or experience a Transformation it's a Shocking experience! If it doesn't shock or surprise you then you probably didn't move to a new level. This is what I have read...we shall see how true I find this to be in my life. Hence the Shock Report that I will be reporting on from time to time. Hopefully others will be compelled to share there reports as well.

Today I again heard a message about the shocking effects Transformation has on an individual and I experienced that today. I had been having an extremely challenging week and I told myself if this one project I have been working on is well received it will make it Aaaaalll worth it. So to say I was very much attached to the outcome would be a major understatement :). The big day comes and NADA, nothing, zilch. No one was impressed, no one gave my project the time of day, I was actually CriticizeD instead of praised!

I had already played out in my head, exactly HOW I was going flip out, How much and to what degree, the words I was going to say if things didn't go my way. I played out the scene just in case I needed to do a dress rehearsal. Have you ever done that in your life? Do we all realize how Insane that is? Playing out a drama that may not even occur. Or in my case, actually Preparing to Flip Out! I think that is probably one definition of Madness.

Surely if I was going to take the time to hold an Intention or have some Forethought, it should be of Peace and Understanding. That thought entered my mind as I played out my award winning melt down but I was like a) my project is going to be well received b) if not they are going to know JUST how hard I worked on this and HOW upset I am that it's not being acknowledged.

Well not only did the worst case scenario happen, there were a ton of other things that happened that day that pushed me to my limit. But I had been affirming and meditating on inner peace and a Shocking thing happened that day...

I didn't flip out

I didn't storm off

I didn't go off on anyone or give them a piece of my (already rehearsed) mind

I didn't cry...I almost tried to because I felt thats how I should react and the people would know at least I cared...but the tears weren't there...

My Ego tried to cry and go off on the people I was dealing with, but my Authentic Self was talking to me too...narrating the scene in absolute Truth and nothing was as my Ego was saying it was...

I felt split down the middle... I was hearing, seeing, feeling both sides....I chose the Authentic Self and it felt good.

I was really shocked for several reasons

1) It feels kind of nuts having two distinct conversations going on within you

2) It felt even crazy to "hear" how crazy the Ego's ideas and justifications were. Usually that's the ONLY voice we hear, so it doesn't seem so loco, but with the Higher Self giving a different perspective one can see that the Ego is out.of.control!

3) I thought I was going to know I took the "higher road" but was going to feel empty and bored due to lack of drama...the whole wanting to feel anything...even hurt...just to feel SOMETHING...

4) I'm not excited about seeing how else my Higher Self is going to show up. I might finally be moving on the path of quieting my Ego self. Before I was scared and I'm really shocked and surprised at my enthusiasm.

So that's my long rant and shock report. Stay tuned for more and please share your stories as well!

The best has yet to come,


P.S. Have NO clue what an Ego Self is? Please run don't walk to the nearest bookstore (virtual or physical) and pick up Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth... I'm sure in one of these posts one of us will do a review of this remarkable book!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

337 Does it Follow You Too!?

As promised...Super Saturday, the Week's Wild card is definitely that....WILD!

I almost couldn't wait for Saturday to post this!

For years I've been followed by the number 337. I have a couple of favorite numbers, you know the normal, birthday, sports number, I have a line number different things. Sometimes because they hold a significance you see them from time to time. However, not only does 337 NOT have any kind of significance what so ever....I see it EVERYWHERE. I mean EVERYWHERE...all.of.the.time. It's crazy!! This has been the case for years. I wish now I could remember the first time, but of course I can't because it wasn't a coincidence the first time. However, by time 28 it was like Ummmmmm something is definitely up. I mean I have tried to break down the numerology, I've heard angels communicate in numbers, my friends say play the numbers in Lotto the list goes on.

After the typical sighting of always, always, always catching the clock at 3:37...I decided to do my favorite thing when I need an answer to all of life's questions...I Googled it! First I had a couple of misses when I just entered 337. So I get specific with it. I Google "I see 337 Everywhere". What's revealed? A host of other people with the.same.thing. happening! Now I haven't Googled any other cluster of numbers. Maybe there is a group for every number. Maybe I'll research at a later date. Right now I'm just reeling from the fact that there are other people that see this very number SO much that they feel it's following them! That's how I feel!

Bananas! One guy has a blog dedicated to this topic because it was that out of hand. Isn't that something!? I wonder who else out there is followed by this number. I'm going to start a chronicle of my sightings as well. In the mean time check out Nathan Kam's experiences. He notices 337, 733 and when either are schmushed in a series of other numbers...I haven't even noticed THAT! I wonder how much my little 337 has been hiding from me in plain sight and I missed it!

Is there anyone else that has had this experience!?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

SUN Days

How rude of me! I haven't even introduced myself!

I go by the name Agent Sunshine Builder. My mission put simply is to spread a message of Peace, Love, Freedom and Well Being. May sound cliche, but it's the only thing I'm really sure of in life. It's what I want for myself and for every individual soul on this Earth. It may sound crazy to some but I am hoping my message is or becomes a popular one and people can get on board!

Right now it's just me contributing to this blog. I am hoping that some of my fellow Agents join me as they are on the Living Free Movement. I'm not an expert writer (or speller for that matter), I don't have all the answers nor do I claim to be an expert in any topic really... What I hope for this publication is to serve as place for a community of like minded (and I use that term loosely) individuals to grow, share stories and encourage one another. I DO expect this to develop into a testimony and proof positive that you CAN live your dream life and follow your bliss. I don't know how I am going to do it just yet, but I know that I AM and we will be together every step of the way. I am hoping that SUN Days are going to feature my personal success with the projects that I am working on. If my friends join me, then we will be shining a light on their/our projects as well! Stay tuned...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Super Saturdays

Super Saturdays touch upon anything that we missed. Concerts, Great Deals, Great Experiences all of the Sometimes Quirky, Maybe Crazy but always Super yet miscellaneous items that wouldn't fit anywhere else. It's the Weekly Wild Card. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My New Wellness Program

I will just start off saying I'm a junk food least I used to be...

I love cookies, grilled cheese, I I used to die over a bacon cheddar cheese burger (yep two dead animals one meal..yeesh), chips, juice, soda, cheezits, the list goes on. If I had it my way (especialy back in the day) I would only snack and never eat meals...oh and if you were something green that grows out of the ground, I was definitely not having it!

Now that I'm older, I know better...
I enjoy eating whole foods and living foods. When I was living in California I had cut meat out and only was eating seafood. However, now that I'm in Ecuador things are different.

Right now I'm in a situation where I'm at the mercy of other people as to what I eat as a way or integration, being polite and well not speaking the language well enough to explain that I don't want pork, chicken or beef to appear on my plate!

Normally, I would follow a "pescaterian" (fish, seafood) diet.

So my Wellness Program nutritionwise needs to be focused on the meals that I can prepare myself.

Therefore, when I am preparing my own food it is strictly pescaterian.

The Goal:
Have the majority of what I eat when preparing my own meals be fruits and vegetables
Beans and Tuna for protein (did I mention I don't cook? Yeah that makes all of this a challenge)
Drink PLENTY of Water (I usally have problems with this...)

Run at least 3x a week. I usually am anti-running, but I have found myself a running partner in a safe area so I'm going with it. I know nothing can whip you into shape like running...

Yoga/Prayer/Meditation. Every DAY! I am implementing a BTN Program (as Rev. Michael Beckwith once said) That is a "Better Than Nothing" Program. I may not get my 30 minutes of Yoga poses and stretches, but I am going to take at least 5 minutes everyday to be quiet, still and reflective.

Since these are all pretty significant changes in how I normally live, that's all I have for now. Wish me luck and getting these items to become habits so that I may stack on more good stuff and deepen my wellness progression!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fabulous Fridays

Fashion, Food & Fun!

As we near the weekend we just wanna enjoy leading the fun, fabulous lives we deserve. Of course these items are all a matter of taste and opinion, but we are hoping to just bring something different to your Fridays that maybe you haven't thought of. You never know what you are going to get on Fabulous Fridays!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Low Impact Woodland Home

If anyone has read the Berenstein Bears, then you knew from the moment you read your first story, you wanted to live in a fully functional no joke, extra dope tree house!! Now you can! Not only to fulfill your childhood dreams, but to also create a home from natural resources that works WITH the Earth not against it. Check out these photos...

Then check out this website to get the the full story, building instructions and everything! I got this link off of the invaluable website The Underground Universe check back there for all of your Think Green Needs! It's amazing :) Enjoy!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Think Green Thursdays

Mother Earth is suffering and it is time to get educated and take action. BWWP is carving out various Thursdays to bring you information on organizations that are doing great Green work around the globe and how you too can contribute to the solution and participate in creating a sustainable living environment.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wellness Wednesdays

Part of creating our Peace on Earth is finding Peace within. On select Wednesdays we will bring you features about how to live heathy, prosperous and abundant lives. When we feel happy and healthy we send out a positive vibration that fills our Earth with Peace.

Monday, November 2, 2009

What is this "Critical Mass" You Speak Of?

There are scientific definitions of what a "critical mass" is and there are metaphysical definitions...

I'm going to try to break it down as simply as I can...(and using my own interpretation from how I understand it...)

What I'm speaking of is a group of people coming together in a like minded way of thinking...

That way being a way of peace, enough, wellness, hope, joy and of course Love.

There is so much evidence that speaks to the fact that when there is a group gathered holding the same way of thinking, the vibration resonates outward and effects those in surrounding areas. For example, if a group is gathered in meditation all holding a space for peace and love, the crime rates in that area and surrounding areas decrease! It's been proven time and time again.

It doesn't even have to be humans! A great example of how a Critical Mass works is the example of the 100th Monkey. I heard this example when listening to a talk by Deepak Chopra and it really stuck with me. I am pretty sure I heard the talk right after reading The Celestine Prophecy (but seriously that is WHOLE 'nother story, and deserves it's own blog post...) Anyway, the 100th monkey is an experiment where scientist made a pretty incredible discovery while studying the behavior of monkeys. They were researching a set of monkeys on two different sides of an island. To observe the animals more easily they threw some fruit onto the beach to make the monkey come out of the trees and the jungle and onto the beach. Well the fruit was then covered in sand and unpleasant for the monkeys to eat. The monkeys would spend time painstakingly picking off the particles of sand and eating the fruit once it was clean.

One day, one monkey decided to wash the fruit in the closest body of water instead of just picking off the sand. This was clearly a much faster method to getting the fruit clean and rid it of all of the sand. Soon, more and more monkeys caught on and mimicked the same action. Soon none of the monkeys were picking the sand off of the banana. Surprised? Maybe not. What the shocking phenomenon is that the scientist were keeping an eye on the monkeys from the other side of the jungle as well. They found that by the time the 100th monkey caught on to washing the fruit in the water, the monkeys on the other side as a group started doing the same thing without even having a chance to observe the monkeys on the other side doing it. The message was sent telepathically if you will. There are hundreds of examples of this very same thing happening all of the time.

The lesson? We are radio towers transmitting information all the time, we just can't see it. When enough of us tune into the same channel we are able to transmit a stronger signal that can reach masses of people.

Right now the media is trying to create a mass of people that believe that we weren't created perfectly the way we are, that money can buy us happiness, that there is not enough food, water, shelter, money to go around for everyone, that xyz disease is out to get us..the list goes on. But you see, if enough people believe these things to be true, it actual can manifest itself and become our reality. We start to see it manifest around us.

We have to come together and realize that is a lie and take control of our own Truth. Start focusing, praying and meditating on those things that you know to be True. We are Perfectly made, there really is no Separation we are all ONE and there is enough of everything we need to go around. In fact, we have everything that we need within our very Beings RIGHT.NOW. Meditate on this thought and let it become your Truth. We owe it to ourselves in each other to get this Critical Mass in Motion!!

Peace and Blessings!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Take Action Tuesdays

Tired of hearing all about what the problem is and never being offered a solution? Tired of making plans on how to make our world a better place and then never executing them? Well I sure am! On various Tuesdays BWWP will feature organizations, businesses and projects where you can actually take action and lend a helping hand to a person, idea or community.

Just think of how great of an impact all of the BWWP readers can make when we all start Taking Action!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Manifestation Mondays

Have no Fear, BWWP is here! Now you can look forward to your Mondays instead of dreading them. Our Monday posts will feature tips on how to live life at your highest potential, how to follow your bliss, how to have that breakthrough you've been waiting on plus testimonials and interviews of people who are now living their dream life and how they did it. Now, you can look forward to being uplifted and enlightened on your new favorite day of the week!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Beautiful World, Wonderful People…Life IS Good…

BWWP is a countermovement to all the ideologies of fear, negativity, scarcity, and separation. We live in a world where the media and other contributors do a great job of painting a false impression of humankind and the human experience. We are here to serve as a Presence of the Truth. Join us won’t you in creating the Critical Mass necessary to maintain the Peace Consciousness and Freedom we were all Created to partake in and enjoy.