Thursday, January 19, 2012

Urban Garden Pioneer

The whole time I watched this I kept saying "Amen" and "Praise God"! It's not church, but I just love this man. He is so right on it. Sustainable solutions for everybody. It should go without saying, but Everybody has the right to Real Whole Food, not packaged and processed foods unhealthy foods. Plus, if you have a garden and not a lot of money, that's okay, you will still be able to EAT and that's a human right, not a privilege! I am very interested in Urban Gardening as it is such a great solution for impoverished people living in our cities. Will Allen is an example of a pioneer who understands the holistic approach of providing, educating and engaging youth in the process. If we could all duplicate this type of organization in our communities we would be off to a great start to feeding the world and in a healthy too!


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