Monday, January 3, 2011

My New Year New You Program:

I'm always coming up with a new program, this is my latest....

I wrote a calendar in my spiral (I'm thinking about getting a poster board and making a big one for my wall, but the idea just came to me while I was journaling, for now it's in my spiral)

I wrote down all of the things I want to work on. For example, morning prayer, meditation and yoga hour, wake up early (5/5:30) to have quiet time to do those things, whole foods eating and as Green as possible, 30 min of cardio, Productivity which is working on my dream life basically, camps, workshops, life coaching etc, writing (be it journaling, writing my 750 words etc), Scholastics (this used to be "reading" but now it includes, the current book I'm reading for leisure, catching up on current events, or studying Spanish), Band Practice (as I affectionately call it which is either continuing to teach myself guitar or even singing!), and To Do List (just making sure in doing all of these self improvement things I am handling my responsibilities as well).

As you can see I have the calendar drawn out, you can also purchase a planner that you dedicate to tracking your process and nothing else. I suggest that, because if your planner is anything like mine, it's full of quotes, scribbles, and my tedious "to-dos", this planner should be dedicated only to the program so that you don't get your wires crossed. Next, I created little symbols to represent an activity and if I completed it that day, I drew the symbol in the box of the day I completed the action.

I also have a key or a legend that explains each activity, duration of time and frequency it would ideally happen. For example, Morning Prayer time is a 7x a week jam, while the "Band Practice" is a 4x a week thing because it's more of an enrichment activity. Most of the activities are 5 or 6 x a week. Try not to get caught up in the day to day, but at the end of the week review your progress. Where are you excelling? Where do you need to focus more effort?

I am also going to come up with rewards of some kind to acknowledge extra effort on my part, if I can hit 7x a week on these things. Ideally I would workout, eat healthy, work on my dream projects and read to my hearts content everyday, but that probably won't happen all the time. I allow room for Life to happen and still be a success, achieving working out 5x a week would be huge for me, so that's why I have them as mandatory 5x a week so I can still be pleased with my progress. However, if I hit 7x, fiesta!! Maybe just knowing I did something every day that week that I have identified as something that will improve my way of living is enough.

If you incorporate this program let me know how it goes it for you and I will definitely keep you posted on my progress as well. You see how my illustrations and calendar are Very basic and rough. Your can be too, no need to spend any money or hire an artist! The point is just a way to keep you prioritizing and focused on what you want to continue to create and manifest the results that you desire in your life. These photos were taking January 3rd, so there isn't much filled out, but it's just to give you an idea. Good Luck, Buena Suerte!!


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