National Novel Writing Month!
I'm putting this for Manifestation Monday's because I feel it's an exercise in letting go. I always tell myself "I'm not a writer" but at the same time I like blogging and book ideas always pop into my head. However, when it comes to the writing game, I am still playing small. I'm pretty low key with this blog even. I don't publicize it, I don't market it on Facebook. I just quietly write and say...whoever is supposed to see it will see it (shaking my head at myself). Then when book ideas pop in my head I say to myself "are you kidding?". Spellcheck has ruined my spelling, is my grammar perfect? I don't think so. Editing? Am I serious? But yet it's something that I have always wanted to do.
Well the lovely folks at
National Novel Writing Month or as it's affectionately referred to as NaNoWriMo, give you permisison to write "Thirty Days and Thirty Nights of Literary Abandon!"
The idea is that starting November 1st until November 30th you would contribute to your "novel" everyday resulting in 50,000. Now that comes out to writing approximately 1,667 words a day. However, somedays you may contribute more than other days. The only real goal is that on November 30th you have 50,000 words.
So here's to letting go and getting your write on!
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