Thursday, April 29, 2010

Arbor Day!!

Arbor day is Tomorrow! April 30, 2010

Arbor Day started 135 years ago by a lad J. Sterling Morton. The days purpose is to direct our focus on an important task…PLANTING Trees.

Forests are being cut down at an alarming rate, and with the way we humans pollute the air, we need our trees more than ever to clean up our mess!

“Planting Seeds of Tomorrow Today” is such a forward thinking phrase and is exactly what we need to be doing. Trees can leave for hundreds of years. What an empowering thought. A seed you plant today can go on to flourish and contribute to the Earths balance and well being long after we have all gone on.

The website is Loaded with information and materials on how to have an event in your community, where to buy seeds or starter trees and even printable materials to get you started ASAP!

Happy Planting!


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