Thursday, March 18, 2010

World Water Day- March 22, 2010

This coming Monday is World Water Day. This years theme is focusing on “water quality, reflecting its importance alongside quantity of the resource in water management” as stated on the website.
Fresh Clean Water is something that is so important to each living individual. Living in the U.S. it’s easy to be so wasteful or water. Having opportunities to live in less “developed” countries, however, I have been given a glimpse of how life can be without fresh water to drink. I have a friend who works in the Oriente of Ecuador and the children have parasites that have moved into the brains of the children because of the infested water they drink. They have no other option. Can you even imagine!?

Everyday we should be mindful of our consumption. Some examples of how you can conserve your water use.

*Take shorter showers

*Turn off the water when brushing your teeth (I have to STILL remind myself all the time!)

*Water plants or animals with old water in water bottles you would otherwise throw out.

There are a million ways to conserve the most important thing is to simply be mindful.

There are a ton of different organizations involved in this fight for fresh clean water for everyone. The U.N. website is a great start if you want to be active in donating money or your time.

For those of you who love a good documentary (I know I do!) Check out FLOW. I haven’t seen it yet but in short it's about the the growing privatization of the world's dwindling fresh water supply. I wasn't even aware that this was going on! Check it out and share your reviews here in the comments section.

A definitely step to World Peace is making sure everyone has fresh water to drink. Let’s take action today and spread the word on Monday about World Water Day 2010!



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